
Disable Command


For buttons, fields, dataSheets, and pickLists: disable <button | field | pickList | dataSheet> Applies to buttons, datasheets, fields, picklists


The disable command sets the enable property of the target object to false. If enable is set to false, the object's text and icon are dimmed and no mouse-related messages are sent. If enable is set to true (the default), the object appears and responds normally.


Add the following handler to a button: on mouseUp disable me answer "I have been disabled." with "OK" end mouseUp The button containing this script may be clicked only once. When clicked, it disables itself and displays a dialog box informing the user that the button has been disabled.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.